Systeme de management de l'energie (ISO50001:2018)


This unit shall go in depth into the requirements and practices of energy management according to ISO 50001:2018. It was chosen to focus on the standard as it demands defined roles in energy management and that those stakeholders carry out their roles effectively. Further, it addresses monitoring approaches on areas of responsibilities (Significant Energy Users). INDUCE fits very well into that scope, at the same time ISO 50001:2018 is of high interest for the pilot companies. A focus on the standard is thus a good “vehicle” to implement the INDUCE topics. INDUCE can be understood as a practicable, human centered approach to fulfil ISO 50001:2018 requirements.

  • Techno-economic analysis
  • Certified energy management systems
Suggested Time
  • 3 hours
Suggested Stage
  • Stage 2: Implementation
Target Groups
  • Middle management
Didactical Methods
  • Master class
  • Discussion forum
  • Case studies
  • Cooperative learning
Learning Types
  • Procedural
  • Attitudinal